This is our City: The Royal British Legion Needs You - The Poppy Appeal - Rememberance Day

6 November 2011

The Royal British Legion Needs You - The Poppy Appeal - Rememberance Day

There are few things better than helping someone deserving of your time, to acknowledge someones bravery is important in my book so with that said.

I'd like to hit on a few issues and the first issue is the Royal British Legion, an organisation and charity run for the welfare of the whole of the British Armed Forces.

Over the UK Royal British Legion social clubs are slowly disappearing along with our Churches, it is an alarming situation for the UK as far as I am concerned considering the vital work they do for our country.

That is why I urge people of the UK to pledge a small if any donation to the Royal British Legion to help those who have helped and continue to help others.

Look out for the man or woman in a Soldiers or Sailors uniform giving out Poppies with a donation, wear a poppy and be proud that you have helped this great cause.

These guys have helped veterans of World War one and two, right up to the present day and continue to help whenever and where ever possible.

Who am I?, I am not in the British Armed Forces out of choice but my Grandad and Dad were, Earlier this year I lost my dad to cancer and my aunt asked the Royal British Legion for a Standard Bearer to be present at his funeral and the Royal British Legion made it so. I never got the chance to thank the one who made it possible but I got to thank the Standard Bearer himself and it was a great gesture that I will never forget.

I am not a political person and I don't agree with war unless its the last resort and there is no other option, but that don't change the fact I believe these guys and girls deserve our help.

A donation can be as little as 10 pence and gets you a warm feeling knowing you did something positive for a day, I donated £3 and got myself a metal poppy badge to sit along side my MCFC Supporters badge.

I find it a little disheartening when I see masses of people walking past poppy guys and girls, ignoring them like they are not even there when half of them have fought for this country that those people are taking advantage of but despite that I do not judge.

Instead I believe they just need to be reminded, I work along side a couple African chaps and even they give the time of day to those ex veterans.

That for me to see is a huge deal.

Again if you see a poppy guy or girl please do consider donating and make a difference.

If you want to learn for yourself what the Royal British Legion do then please do visit their official website HERE

This is our City thanks you for your time and support!

1 comment:

  1. CiTyBlUe6/11/11

    Please spread the word on your message boards and forums. Thank you.


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